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by Girija Naiksatam

You might have often heard that nature is made up of 5 major elements; Earth, Fire, Air, Water and Space. Apart from what science has proved about them, each of these elements have unique personalities that all of us can learn a lot from. Here's taking a quick look at these:

1. Earth: Functionally speaking, the Earth is our basis of sustenance. Its character is often associated with that of a mother - being a giver, a provider and replenishing wherever there is need. The most important thing to learn from this element is its unchanging quality of stability and the skill to stay grounded and give unconditionally.

2. Fire: The fiery Fire element teaches us to be perseverant, zestful, and brave. Like most elements Fire has two sides. It can turn either way by burning and destroying or burning and providing light – a lesson we can learn and apply for the many times we are faced with choices.

3. Air: There are countless lessons we can draw from Air. It is swift, transparent, refreshing, exploratory and unrestricted. As far as the human nature is concerned all of these are positive and ideal traits to possess, but work to your maximum advantage only when exercised with dexterity.

4. Water: A free flowing element, it is no surprise that the nature of Water so frequently finds its place in conversations and literature. It is a rejuvenating source of life, always heads onwards unfazed by the obstacles, and the most important of all-- it is the most adaptable – taking the shape of whatever it is poured into.

5. Space: Space, the all encompassing element, has much to teach us about accepting life with open arms. It is wide and expansive and doesn't show much resistance to new phenomenon – what we could describe as the ideal mindset required for learning and exploring.

It is often said, 'there is so much we can discover and learn from the things that surround us'. So, the more we understand each of these elements in greater depth, the more we will be able to use the knowledge to better our daily living.


by Girija Naiksatam

When Groucho Marx said, "Outside of a book, a dog is a man's best friend", he was quite right. For as it turns out, pets are some of the best partners people can have; and it's not just that they're endearing. Most proud owners often say that pets mirror human beings and can even teach you a lot more than you'd expect. Here's a host of things you are likely to learn from your pet.

1. Unconditional love: No matter what you do, who you curse or how you behave, you pet will always love you unconditionally. Perhaps pets too have their own sense of right and wrong, but when it comes to their owners, they’re always very accepting and loving.

2. Loyalty: If there’s one undying characteristic about a pet, it’s their loyalty to their masters. However far you go or no matter how delicious another bone seems, pets may stay distracted for a while but always come back to their original owners. They do everything to protect their masters, when it comes to it and do all to keep them safe and sound.

3. Adapt ability: The adaptability that pets carry with them is amazing. Very often, when a pet is taken to a new place, all it needs is the security of its master’s presence. Once that is guaranteed, you’ll notice that it won’t throw any tantrums or be difficult. Instead, it’ll adapt and make do with what it has. This adaptability is something humans majorly lack and can learn from their pets by observing their pets’ daily actions after any change in their surroundings or schedules.

4. Respect: Although it’s hard to fathom respect from pets, if you observe their behavior intricately enough you’ll realize they score high on that quality. In fact, animal experts say, interpreted animal behavior shows that most animals regard things/creatures in their environment a great deal.

So, the next time you consider getting yourself a pet, remember that there is much you can learn from your faithful companion!



by Girija Naiksatam

‘You may give them your love but not your thoughts. For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, for their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.’ - Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

There is a lot we can learn from children. Children, oozing with innocence and enthusiasm to explore life, have the ability to inspire and provide us with immensely valuable life lessons. Here are 5 such life lessons that we can acquire from children to become better and happier human beings:

1. Live in the moment: We worry, fret and multitask, thus forgetting to enjoy the present moment. But children have an amazing capacity to enjoy life, by living in the moment. Imbibe that quality from them and you will feel much happier and more empowered to take on to life’s obstacle ridden paths.

2. Do not ever give up: Whether it’s learning to walk, talk, or riding a bicycle, children usually do not give up in spite of numerous failures and continue their attempt to perfect it. But as adults, we feel fear and humiliation thus refusing to try again and again. If you can regain this childhood quality of never giving up, you can win all the life’s battles.

3. Play to unwind: When children play, they concentrate only on playing, thus forgetting all their worries. You need to take out time everyday for playing as well, for unwinding and for recuperating from life’s pressures. It could mean playing any sport, indoor games or even playing with your pet or you kids.

4. Wonder and Question: Children do not hesitate to ask and discover until they finally understand. Everything has to be investigated, touched and experienced by them. But we, as adults, often do as told, without really understanding the meaning behind the instructions or our actions. If we wonder, question and think as much as children do, before we speak, act or believe, our lives would be absolutely trouble free.

5. Be affectionate: One of the main reasons old people love their grandchildren is because they are naturally affectionate. The need for touch is a basic need at all ages. We need not stop being affectionate as we grow older. We must understand that a friendly hug or holding hands can do more than words ever can.



‘You may give them your love but not your thoughts. For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, for their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.’ - Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

There is a lot we can learn from children. Children, oozing with innocence and enthusiasm to explore life, have the ability to inspire and provide us with immensely valuable life lessons. Here are 5 such life lessons that we can acquire from children to become better and happier human beings:

1. Live in the moment: We worry, fret and multitask, thus forgetting to enjoy the present moment. But children have an amazing capacity to enjoy life, by living in the moment. Imbibe that quality from them and you will feel much happier and more empowered to take on to life’s obstacle ridden paths.

2. Do not ever give up: Whether it’s learning to walk, talk, or riding a bicycle, children usually do not give up in spite of numerous failures and continue their attempt to perfect it. But as adults, we feel fear and humiliation thus refusing to try again and again. If you can regain this childhood quality of never giving up, you can win all the life’s battles.

3. Play to unwind: When children play, they concentrate only on playing, thus forgetting all their worries. You need to take out time everyday for playing as well, for unwinding and for recuperating from life’s pressures. It could mean playing any sport, indoor games or even playing with your pet or you kids.

4. Wonder and Question: Children do not hesitate to ask and discover until they finally understand. Everything has to be investigated, touched and experienced by them. But we, as adults, often do as told, without really understanding the meaning behind the instructions or our actions. If we wonder, question and think as much as children do, before we speak, act or believe, our lives would be absolutely trouble free.

5. Be affectionate: One of the main reasons old people love their grandchildren is because they are naturally affectionate. The need for touch is a basic need at all ages. We need not stop being affectionate as we grow older. We must understand that a friendly hug or holding hands can do more than words ever can.



‘Tao’ is an ancient Chinese religion that advocates a simple, passive and receptive way of life. Following the tenets of Tao is tough, but once one understands its basic principle, we can start making efforts to incorporate it into our lives.

‘Tao’ was written about by Lao Tsu, the legendary author of the Tao Te Ching, which first provided a comprehensive description of the Tao. The religion based on Tao is known as Taoism. Tao essentially advocates being one with nature and not doing anything that goes against its principles. Tao advises human beings to go with the flow of nature, rather than destroy it, which will automatically simplify and improve our lives. This does not necessarily mean we should be passive – when we live by the Tao, we learn when to act and learn when to let go, thus creating a healthy balance between passivity and creativity.

Tao believes that man’s troubles come from forcing his will on nature rather than accepting it. Happiness, according to the Tao, lies in one’s harmonization with nature.

There are numerous books about Tao which can be easily purchased at book stores, and a basic introduction can be found on Wikipedia. Read more about it to see how your life can improve.


Tanya Munshi

Diary writing is an under-rated cathartic experience that truly helps explore one’s emotions and make sense of one’s life. Most people use a diary merely as a daily planner, jotting down their life’s daily mundane events. But a diary can be used for a lot more.

Book Of Positives
Use your diary as a book of positives, in which you write only the good things that you have come across in life. For instance, the birth of a baby, praise from your teacher, a funny conversation that you overheard while travelling in the bus. This will train you to focus on the positive side of your life and put you in a happier mood even as you write. Use bright colours, paste your favourite comic strips on it, inspirational poems etc. Once done, this book will make you smile every time you flip through it.

Book Of Worries
A book of worries is only meant for worries; for instance, a fight with a friend or anything emotionally disturbing that you cannot share with anyone else. Simply writing about a disturbing event will help you vent it out. With every worry that you write, keep a space to write down a solution later on. Always write the date, day and month as it will help you go back in time to recall what had happened and how you solved the situation.

Book Of Ideas
A book of ideas is for all those bright Einstein moments in life. You thought of a new art and craft idea or a new shade for your bedroom wall – all that goes into your book of ideas. Sketch your ideas, stick pictures, whatever you like. Later, flip through it and see how many can be executed and how many were just plain creative genius!
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