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  Body Basics - skin care for teenagers
Cleansing Is Important
Teenagers must realise that “cleansing” is the keyword for an oily skin. Daily cleansing and skin care, with appropriate products, is the only way of preventing acne and other oily-skin conditions. Oily skins tend to attract more dirt. Moreover, the pores must be kept free of hardened oil and the oiliness of the skin surface must also be reduced. Therefore, you need a medicated cleanser that is specially formulated for oily skins. This helps to reduce surface grease and restores the natural acid-alkaline balance. Use plenty of water to wash off all traces of the cleanser.

In order to deep cleanse the skin, cleansing grains mixed with a rose-based skin tonic should be rubbed gently on the skin. This helps to remove the dead cells of the outer layer and keeps the pores free of oil. Blackheads are also dislodged and discouraged from forming. However, if there is acne, cleansing grains should not be used on the area.

• Frequent washing with soap and water and do not wash your face more than twice a day, with soap. Due to their alkaline nature, most soap destroys the acid-alkaline balance of the skin, leaving it predisposed to bacterial attack. The cleansing process must be followed by the use of a rose-based skin tonic, which should be used to wipe the face. Use cotton wool pads to do this. This not only completes the cleansing procedure, but also helps to close the pores and restore the normal balances. The skin can be wiped with the rose skin tonic several times a day to reduce surface grease.
• Avoid the use of oily cleansing and nourishing creams. If the outer layer feels taut, as in winter, use a light liquid moisturiser. If pimples and acne make an appearance, never hesitate to seek professional help. For such problems, medicated lotions, ointments and face packs are available and can be added to the daily skin care routine. Make sure that your hair and scalp are kept scrupulously clean. Dandruff and other conditions can also make an appearance during adolescence and may even lead to skin problems on the face, back and upper arms.

Food For Your Skin
Diet plays an important role in skin care. External cosmetic care cannot work wonders if your diet consists of the wrong foods. The health of the skin is influenced by internal health and the food we eat. Too many sweets, chocolates, cola drinks, fried foods and snacks can have a detrimental effect. Wrong foods and lack of fibre in the diet can lead to constipation and the build-up of toxins and wastes. This, in turn, causes skin congestion and gives rise to problems like acne.

Teenage is the time when one should bring about changes in the diet and make right eating the habit of a lifetime. A part of your daily diet should consist of fruits and vegetables, eaten raw, so that your body is supplied with the essential vitamins and minerals. Drink plenty of water and take fresh fruit juices. Add the juice of a lemon and a tablespoon of honey to a glass of warm water and drink it first thing in the morning.

To a teenaged girl, make-up is much more exciting, while skin-care seems like a dull routine. But, all the cosmetics in the world cannot improve your appearance if the skin is unhealthy. A clear, healthy skin is the best foundation for make-up.

The teenaged boy may shy away from skin-care, thinking it is a feminine pursuit. This is a misconception. Cleansing of the skin and protecting it from blemishes is as necessary for boys.

In today’s world, success has a lot to do with self-confidence, which comes from looking and feeling your best. Your skin is your responsibility, so learn to take care of it.
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