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Last week's prediction

(Part II)

A score of dates and events play a dominant role in structuring our lives. According to numerology, details like month, year and even day are key determinants that influence a person’s life. Some crucial numbers that shape our lives are:

Personal Year: Each year in a person’s life is a part of a series of evolution that takes place over a nine year cycle or epicycle. The cycles start at birth and progress throughout one’s life. After one epicycle is over, it is followed by the next.

Personal Month: Similar to a nine-year cycle, one passes through a nine month and nine day cycle. The personal month wields about the same influence as personal year, though the effect may not be as strong.

Personal Day: This seldom has any significant bearing on one’s life. However when this subtle energy field matches the life path number one can expect to see sparks fly. At such a juncture, passions and strong areas are fortified.

Life Path Number: This is a vital part of the numerology chart and is based on the date of birth. Also known as Destiny Number by some, Life Path Number provides a broad outline of what the future holds in store for us including threats and opportunities.

Expression Number: This number is a reflection of inner goals and desires. It also reveals your emotional and physical build-up. This number sums up our personal goals as also the kind of person we aspire to be.

Heart's Desire Number: This is also known as the Soul Urge number and explains what our name stands for. This number plays a dominant part in deciding our life paths including the choices we make, may it be in regard to career, friends or spouse.

Minor Heart's Desire Number: This number is derived from the vowels of the short name (a residue of the qualities of the longer name). This number adds weight and volume to the qualities reflected by the name. The short name usually reflects our ability as also our inability in achieving certain goals.

Personality Number: This number is derived from the consonants of the full name. This is generally a prelude to the inner and finer realms of one’s personality. It sheds light on the initial information a person is ready to share with strangers.

Maturity Number: As the name suggests, this number starts gaining significance only after age 30-35 (presuming that is the age when one attains maturity). This number indicates the underlying wishes/desires that a person nurtures as his/her life’s goal. As one starts becoming more aware and conscious of who one really is, this number starts taking concrete shape.

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