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Where do you stand in the dials of time? Take this survey to find out…
You are:
Never late to office.
Late once in a while.
Late twice a week or more.

You are appointed as team leader for a project with an immediate deadline. You:
You complete most of the tasks by yourself and spend extra time at work to meet the deadline.
You prolong the deadline.
You break down the task into mini projects, assign duties to all those reporting to you and give each person a deadline.

You have an hour’s commute daily to the office by train or bus. During the journey you:

Dream of nothing in particular.
Read for sometime, watch the scenery and chat with fellow passengers the rest of the time.
Read a business report/ book/ newspaper and make a 'to do' list.

As part of your daily fitness routine:
You climb up and down the office stairs umpteen times a day instead of taking the lift.
You religiously work out daily before leaving for office.
Where’s the time for fitness?

At a party:

You immediately start networking.
You sit by yourself or chat with a few friends.
You take sometime to warm up and then start mixing with the crowd.

During lunch:

You eat while checking your mail.
You catch up with your colleagues, but allot a fixed time frame for your meal.
You have a two hour lunch break.

You have a hectic day ahead:
You make a ‘to do’ list, but skip a few things here and there.
You plan and prioritize work and stick to your schedule.
You face each bridge as you get there.

You’ve just joined a new job. In 6 months time you:
Plan to get thoroughly adjusted to your new surroundings.
See yourself receiving a promotion and a raise.
Plan to give your best to your current position.

While shopping:
You make a list and tick it off as you make purchases.
You have a keen idea of what you wish to buy, but forget a couple of things in the bargain.
You browse aimlessly for hours.

You have a holiday.

You plan in advance to practice your hobby, catch up on sleep and complete the household chores.
You wake up at 12 am and then wonder what to do.
Your holiday has a mix of planning and spontaneity.


80+ : You are very conscious of time. You are punctual and utilize every waking moment to accomplish your tasks. Once you put your mind to something you achieve it, come hail, rain or storm.

51-79: You’re getting there. Your intentions are good and you make list and try to stickto it. With a little more planning, prioritizing and discipline you will be able to pack much more into your day.

50 or less: You may or may not be capable. But you definitely need to buck up and brush up on your time management skills!

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